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Special Issue:
"Rain sensors"
Guest Editors:
Prof. Filippo Giannetti
Prof. Luca G. Lanza

Deadline for manuscript submissions:
30 September 2021

Flyer .pdf

>The Lead Centre partecipated to the EGU general assembly 2020

Special Issue:
"Precipitation Measurement Instruments: Calibration, Accuracy and Performance"
Guest Editor:
Prof. Luca G. Lanza
Deadline for manuscript submissions:
30 September 2020

New publication:
Cauteruccio et al. (2020)
The role of free-stream turbulence in attenuating the wind updraft above the collector of precipitation gauges.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Thechnology, 37, pages 103-113.

The first european standard on the accuracy of precipitation measurements instruments has been published as EN 17277:2019 "Hydrometry. Measurement requirements and classification of rainfall intensity measuring instruments"

kick-off meeting of the new EURAMET/EMPIR project INCIPIT "calibration and accuracy of non-catching instruments to measure liquid/solid atmospheric precipitation" hosted by the Lead Centre in Vigna di Valle.

The Lead Centre partecipated to the EGU general assembly 2019 in Vienna

The Lead Centre partecipated to the Meteorological Technology World Expo 2017 in Amsterdam

The Lead Centre partecipated to the Metoemet final meeting in Moncalieri (Tourin), presentig the results performed in the Research Excellence Grant (REG3) of the Meteomet2 project.

The Lead Centre partecipated to the EGU 2017 conference with poster presentations on wind tunnel experiments and precipitation measurements issues.

The Lead Centre will participate to the WMO TECO 2016 conference and the International Conference on Metrology for Meteorology and Climate with poster presentations on the more recent research developments and ongoing collaborations.

Wind tunnel experiments are currently under execution at the DICCA laboratories to provide information on rain gauges performance under turbulent winds and validation of CFD numerical analysis.

Oral presentation at the AMS annual meeting in New Orleans. Download the presentation.

Oral and poster presentations at the UrbanRain workshop (Pontresina). Download the short paper on the jointed CFD activity with EML.

The Lead Centre has recently signed a new research agreement with LSI LASTEM to study an improved rainfall intensity sensor compliant with UNI 11452:2012.

Arctic Circle 2015 Assembly

Presentation at the Arctic Metrology breakout session of the Arctic Circle 2015 Assembly.

New publications about the Lead Centre CFD studies available on AMS journals.

New field activities

Installation and set-up of aerodynamic gauges and a laser disdrometer at the Vigna di Valle field site.


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The Lead Centre “Benedetto Castelli” on Precipitation Intensity was designated by the WMO/CIMO in September 2010 with the aim of providing specific guidance about instrument calibration and their achievable accuracy, performing laboratory and field tests and developing research/technical activities about the measurement of precipitation intensity and the related data analysis and interpretation.

The Lead Centre is a joint initiative of the Italian (Air Force) Meteorological Service and the University of Genova (Italy), and operates in three different sites: the Field Test site in Vigna di Valle (Rome – I), the Precipitation Laboratory at the University of Genova (Genoa – I), the Mountain site at the top of Mt. Cimone (Modena– I).

CIMO-XV agreed with the proposal to establish CIMO Testbeds and Lead Centres to promote collaboration between CIMO and relevant NMHSs in testing, development and standardization of meteorological instruments and systems performance for the benefit of all WMO Members. It would utilize and build on both existing state-of-the-art facilities and specific expertise available at NMHSs for the provision of guidance to all WMO Members, while providing recognition by CIMO of state-of-the-art facilities and expertise available in the designated Testbeds and Lead Centres, as well as of their significant contribution towards developing guidance for WMO Members, and their impact on the WMO observing systems.

Portrait of B.Castelli

Mathematician and inventor of the first Italian rain gauge (Italy, 1578-1643)

LC-PrIN - WMO-CIMO Lead Centre "B.Castelli" on Precipitation Intensity